Khadija SABIRI

Khadija SABIRI
Blockchain, Ethereum, Formateur - Consultant, Gouvernance
Secteur(s) d'activité
Enseignement, Informatique – Electronique - Numérique - Digital
Khadija SABIRI has received her Ph.D. degree in the cloudification legacy system to a cloud-native application, then she moved to the University of Beira Interior in Portugal as Postdoc researcher as part of cloud computing competence center-C4 projects. Her overarching research is to explore rigorous software development methodologies and cloud-based technology solutions that increase and guarantee citizen rights, such as privacy, transparency. Furthermore, fundamental research is expected to be conducted on the use of Blockchains for better accountability of the public information system and decision support systems in use in local administration. She is also certificated in IBM Cloud Developer Application, IBM Blockchain, and Cisco IoT.
Date de mise à jour : 19 janvier 2021


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