
Why become a Wallcrypt correspondent?

Integrate a global network of Blockchain and cryptocurrency professionals

Actively exchange ideas and share enriching experiences with a Blockchain community

An international community of active people who wish to develop their address book.

Gain visibility

Wallcrypt provides Correspondents with personalized visibility on the website and references the pages of the countries represented.

Seize opportunities

Seize new business opportunities


  • You are passionate about Blockchain and / or Cryptocurrency .
  • You are interested in business opportunities .
  • You want to get involved in a large-scale project.

The engagements

  • Promote Wallcrypt in your Blockchain circle of connections.
  • Provide regular (at least twice a month) news on the blockchain and crypto currency in your country. Send us article links .
  • Contribute to the promotion of the webinars organized by Wallcrypt.
  • Offer to training centers, universities, recruitment firms in your city that work in the Blockchain to present themselves for free in Wallcrypt.

A dynamic business network

  • Develop your business through word of mouth and business referral.
  • Exchange between Correspondents by videoconference.
  • Collaborate with other Wallcrypt Correspondents on projects on the Blockchain and its ecosystem.
  • Promote your products and services.

Découvrez le club d'affaire Web3-IA Wallcrypt


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