Blockchain Cryptocurrency South Africa

Blockchain Crypto Currency in South Africa

South Africa | Blockchain

You live in South Africa.

  • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the BLOCKCHAIN, BITCOIN, Cryptocurrency sector.

South Africa | Smart contracts

You live in South Africa.

    • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the SMART CONTRACTS sector.

South Africa | Decentralized finance

You live in South Africa.

    • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the DECENTRALIZED FINANCE – CHALLENGE sector

South Africa | Crypto Currency


You live in South Africa.

  • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the CRYPTO CURRENCY sector.

South Africa | Bitcoin

You live in South Africa.

    • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the BITCOIN sector

About South Africa

“South Africa has 56.72 million inhabitants in 2017 divided into 80.2% blacks, 8.8% of Colors, 8.4% White and 2.5% Asian (Indian subcontinent) . Nation with very varied phenotypes South Africa is thus in Africa the country with the largest portion of so-called colored , white and Indian populations. It is often called the “rainbow nation”, a concept invented by the Archbishop Desmond Tutu to designate the diversity of the South African nation and which replaced the concept of plural society previously employed by apartheid theorists (1948-1991). “

Wikipedia source

Pretoria | Capital of South Africa

“Pretoria or Pretoria (in English and Afrikaans: Pretoria / prɛˈtʊəria /; in Zulu: ePitoli; in Tswana: Tshwane) is a city in southern Africa and the administrative capital of South Africa.”

Wikipedia source

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