Blockchain Cryptocurrency Venezuela

Blockchain Crypto Currency Venezuela

Venezuela | Blockchain

You live in Venezuela.

  • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the BLOCKCHAIN, BITCOIN, Cryptocurrency sector.

Venezuela | Smart contracts

You live in Venezuela.

    • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the SMART CONTRACTS sector

Venezuela | Decentralized finance

You live in Venezuela.

    • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the DECENTRALIZED FINANCE – CHALLENGE sector

Venezuela | Crypto Currency

You live in Venezuela.

  • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the CRYPTO CURRENCY sector.

Venezuela | Bitcoin

You live in Venezuela.

    • You are a journalist, editor, project leader in the BITCOIN sector

About Venezuela

“Venezuela or Vénézuéla (/ venezɥela /, in Spanish: / beneˈswela /), in long form the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, in Spanish República Bolivariana de Venezuela, official name in honor of Simón Bolívar, is a federal republic located in the northernmost part of South America, bordered10 to the north by the Caribbean Sea, to the east-southeast by Guyana, to the south by Brazil, to the south-southwest and to the west by Colombia.

Wikipedia source

Caracas | Capital of Venezuela

Santiago de León de Caracas, traditionally known as Caracas, is the capital and largest city of Venezuela. Covering 433 km2, the city is part of the Capital District within the Municipality of Libertador (of which it is the head). -place). Caracas has three million inhabitants. “

Wikipedia source

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